//: Path for appearance model apm_path: my_model.apm //: Base for results files // Output will be basepath-shape.txt, basepath-tex.txt, basepath-app.txt for // shape, texture and combined appearance modes // Results saved one vector per line output_basepath: results //: When true, include points file name at start of each line include_ptsname: true //: When defined, defines class value for all examples // When defined save binary files containing parameter vectors and class // value, in a format suitable for the imsci_mlrn tools. class_value: +1 // Type of reflection to use. Raw=None // Options: Raw, ReflectOnly, OnlyReflectIm, ReflectSym, ReflectAsymRawPts, ReflectAsymRefPts reflection_state: Raw //: Define renumbering required under reflection if required // reflection_symmetry: { 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 } // Prefix string used when loading points for reflected image in ReflectAsymRawPts/ReflectAsymRefPts // ref_prefix: right/ image_dir: ../images/ points_dir: ../points_28/ images: { d_image_0000.pts : d_image_0000.png d_image_0005.pts : d_image_0005.png d_image_0009.pts : d_image_0009.png d_image_0012.pts : d_image_0012.png d_image_0017.pts : d_image_0017.png d_image_0018.pts : d_image_0018.png d_image_0025.pts : d_image_0025.png }